Friday, 18 November 2011

Morning all! Yep, getting married next year......when did I suddenly grow up?! Anyway thought I'd involve my art in the wedding so designed our wedding invites. Happy to do this for anyone else if they want personalised invites with caricatures of the lucky couple! Above invite done before I decided to grow a beard!

Christmas Stickers

Just finished a series of Christmas images which are being sold by Print-2-Media as stickers.

Hi everyone, thanks to those who have already viewed my blog and given feed back.

I'm working to try and enable you to click on my pictures to enlarge them and hopefully I will have this set up soon.

Thursday, 17 November 2011

The Commute

Current work in progress........... 'The Commute'.

Surf & Beach Art Blog

Finally I'm online and my Blog is up and running! Hope you like my artwork!